Dynamic Descriptions - Controls

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Dynamic Descriptions Controls:

#D - dynamic description
     This must be placed at the start of any (description) text that contains
     any dynamic description information for the code to recognize and format
     it properly.

The following controls are used inside text that is part of a DD block:
#N - new line
##  - leave a '#' in the text (not a control)
#S - leave whatever spaces follow this control as is (do not reduce to only
     one space). However this does not apply to the beginning of lines
     (see note 2 below)

Note: 1. #N causes whatever is following it to be displayed starting on a
         new line. This is NOT double spacing, it only causes what follows
         to be on the very next line instead of continuing on the same line.
         To leave a blank line between paragraphs e.g. you must put in #N #N.

      2. Since Dynamic Descriptions are always left justified if you wanted to
         put blank spaces at the beginning of a line there must be something in
         front of the spaces.

         For example to include 5 spaces at the beginning of a line put a non-
         printing character (like the color off code &X) in front of the #S:

         The sign says:
         &X#S     Welcome to Dragon Village.

         rather than only:

         The sign says:
         #S     Welcome to Dragon Village.

         This second method will result in:

         The sign says:
         Welcome to Dragon Village.

         rather than what you intended:

         The sign says:
              Welcome to Dragon Village.

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