Dynamic Descriptions - Overview

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- What are Dynamic Descriptions?
  Dynamic Descriptions are descriptions that change depending on who or when
  or the "condition" (race, class, language, size, etc.) of someone looking at
  it.  An example might be a skylight that lets in sunlight by day and moonlight
  by night, or whether water in a room is up to your knees, waist, chest or
  neck depending on the size you are.

- Why use Dynamic Descriptions?
  The main reason for using Dynamic Descriptions is to bring the mud to life.
  This is why we use mobprogs/mobscripts, special functions and a whole host of
  "trinkets".  A moving, dynamic mud is one that is worth looking at.

- Features and Limitations
  The snippet I installed (after some modifications to make it work properly)
  was originally coded by the only person I would ever get snippets from.
  The winner of the "maintainability" section in the year 2000 16K mud
  competition (http://www.andreasen.org/16k.shtml), Richard Woolcock (aka
  KaVir) [KaVir's website] is the author of the popular "GodWars" codebase,
  as well as the new "Glad 2.0" codebase (based on the "Gladiator Pits"
  codebase which won the above award), which features a remarkably unique
  combat system. -- Kastagaar

- Dynamic Descriptions may be put into:
  Room descriptions
  PC descriptions
  Mob long descriptions
  Mob look descriptions
  Object long descriptions
  Extra descriptions -- room extras or object extras

  Yes, the above does mean that you can use Dynamic Descriptions in the description
  you write up for people to see when they "look" at you or when you decorate your
  house. These work just like any other DD and to display properly must be preceded
  by #D as shown in the controls section.

- Summary
  Dynamic content can make an area look more lively and more believable, to
  promote a greater suspension of disbelief just by the fact the it changes,
  and that it is personalised to the observer.

Overview -- by Kastagaar
Updated by Cap'n Rudder

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