Dynamic Descriptions - Features

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  Dynamic Descriptions features three types of information that can be used:
  1. variables that can only be used in calculations but can't be displayed
  2. variables that can be displayed but not used in calculations
  3. variables that can either be used in calculations or displayed
  (These will be explained later)

  Dynamic Descriptions also features some math ability.  It is possible
  to output, for example "gold/1000" or similar.

  One thing to remember about the numeric functions above is that they are
  not actually printed, but stored in the string lookup {result}.

  Dynamic Descriptions also have logic (and thus conditional) capabilities.

  On the limitations front, however, there are a few.  Firstly, the calculator
  is completely left-associative.  This means that 5+6*7 is actually
  ((5+6)*7) = 77 and not (5+(6*7)) = 47 as you might expect.  For this reason,
  it is advisable that explicit parentheses are placed in every complex math

  One last limitation is that conditionals only check the truth value;
  there is no "else" statement. So to display a message if someone is flying
  and another if they are not, two checks must be made:
      Use [{postion.flying} == true] to test for flying
      and [{postion.flying} == false] to test for not flying.

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