Dynamic Descriptions - Variables

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  Below is a summary of the variables that can be accessed.
  There are three categories:

 1. Variables that can used in calculations but not displayed
    - time.<TIME OF DAY>  (e.g. time.morning) - see Time of day List.
    - race.<RACE>         (e.g. race.human, race.dragon, race.halfelf) - see Race List.
    - affect.<AFFECT>     (e.g. affect.blind, affect.mute) - see Affects List.

 2. Variables that can be displayed but not used in calculations - see String Lookups.
    - result             : The last numeric result calculated
    - name               : The name (actually short description) of the person looking at this description.
    - opponent           : The name (short description) of the one you are fighting (or "someone").

    - his/her            : his, her or its.
    - his/hers           : his, hers or its.
    - him/her            : him, her or it.
    - he/she             : he, she or it.
    - opponent.his/her
    - opponent.his/her   ] all of these as above, but for the whoever you are
    - opponent.him/her   ] fighting.
    - opponent.he/she

 3. Variables that can either be used in calculations or displayed - see String or Number Lookups.
    These will be different depending on their form.
    For example, if a hobbit were looking at a description [{race}]{result} would display "7",
    whereas {race} would display "Hobbit".

    - class.<CLASS>       (e.g. class.mag, class.ran, class.sup) - see Class List.
    - dir.<DIRECTION>     (e.g. dir.north, dir.south) - see Directions List.
    - weather.<CONDITION> (e.g. weather.cloudless, weather.raining) - see Weather List.
    - position.<POSITION> (e.g. position.sleeping, position.fighting) - see Positions List.
    - tposition.<POSITION> (e.g. position.sleeping, position.fighting) - see Positions List.

    - hp                 : Your current hitpoints
    - max.hp             : Your maximum hitpoints.
    - mana               : Your current mana
    - max.mana           : You maximum mana
    - move               : Your current moves
    - max.move           : You maximum moves
    - stam               : Your current stam
    - max.stam           : You maximum stam
    - gender             : male/female/neuter
    - gender.male        : true or false
    - gender.female      : true or false
    - gender.neuter      : true or false
    - race               : halfelf, dragon, etc.
    - class1             : Your primary class
    - class2             : Your secondary class
    - language           : The language you are speaking
    - level              : Your level.
    - dir.from           : The direction in which you last traveled.
    - gold               : The amount of gold you are carrying.
    - position           : Your position - the viewers position (Standing, resting, sleeping, etc.)
    - tposition          : Target - the targets position (Standing, resting, sleeping, etc.)
    - save.throw         : Your saving throw.
    - alignment          : Your alignment.
    - hit.roll           : Your to-hit roll.
    - dam.roll           : Your damage roll.
    - metal              : The amount of metal you are wearing.
    - wimpy              : Your wimpy value.
    - strength           : Your str stat.
    - intelligence       : Your int stat.
    - wisdom             : Your wis stat.
    - dexterity          : Your dex stat.
    - constitution       : Your con stat.
    - size               : How big you are (1->15)
    - time.hour          : The hour of the day it is (mud time)
    - time.day           : The day it is (mud time)
    - time.month         : The month it is (mud time)
    - percent            : Calculates a new percentage and returns it.
    - percent.store      : The last percentage calculated.
    - weather.sky        : Whether it's cloudless, cloudy, raining or
                           there's a lightning storm.
    - weather.change     : Better or worse
    - weather.sunlight   : Either dark, rise (dawn), light or set (dusk).

    - wear.<LOCATION>    : <LOCATION> - see Equipment locations.
                           The string version will print the short description of
                           the object, and the numeric will be "true" if the player
                           is wearing an object at that location, and "false" if not.

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