Flash Timer Read Me
The files:

  timerW02-1.zip -- Web files (version 02.1)
    Files used to put the timer on a web site
      timer.html -- Sample html to incorporate the timer into a web page
      timerW02-1.swf -- The timer itself (Web version 02.1)
      help.html -- Sample html to incorporate the help into a web page
      help.swf -- The help file
      ReadMe.txt -- This file

  timerP02-1.zip -- Player (Flash Projector) files (version 02.1)
    Files used for running the timer in Flash Player
      timerP02-1.swf -- The timer itself (Player version 02.1)
      help.swf -- The help file
      ReadMe.txt -- This file

  timerS02-1.zip -- Standalone files (version 02.1)
    Files for running the timer without needing flash player or browser support
      timer.exe -- The timer itself (Stand Alone version)
      help.exe -- The help file (Stand Alone version)
      timer.hlp -- The help file (Windows Help format version)
      ReadMe.txt -- This file

  timerE01-1.zip -- Everything - all files (version 02.1)
    All of the various above files

Version 02.1:
  Fixed a minor bug that in some circumstances allowed the display to 
  shift. This didn't affect how the timer worked but could make things 
  look odd.

Version 02:
  Added a "cheat code" so that the elapased timer time could be set to 
  a value other than 0. Hold down the control key when clicking the 
  set button to set an elapased time of other than 0. 

  This allows you to record the time spent on a project, go work on and 
  time some other project, then come back to the previous project and continue 
  adding time to this project starting with the saved time value.

Technical details:

  This project was all done in one frame with two layers. 
  The Main layer containing the graphics, buttons, etc. and the Actions 
  layer containing the script controlling it all. The script is a bit over 
  900 lines of code.

How this project came about:

  One day when we were between projects the boss said, "I have a project for 
  you. It isn't one that pays anything but you have been wanting to learn 
  more about coding action script and I think you will find this interesting 
  and fun. When I am in the office I can't hear my oven timer, so please 
  build an oven timer in flash. That way I can have it right on my screen". 
  This part was built (which is why the project is called "Timer"). 

  When that was done we decided that it would be nice to also have an 
  elapsed time function in it too so that we could track the time 
  spent on various projects. Next we thought, if we are doing time 
  functions it would only make sense that it have a clock part too, 
  so that was added. 

  Since there were now all these various modes and functions there also 
  needed to be a help file. The help file was originally built as a 
  windows type help file since the timer was originally written to 
  only run as a windows program, but silly flash doesn't allow accessing 
  windows help files, and we decided we wanted to put the thing out on 
  the web too. So the help file was redone in flash.

  This was then sent out to several people to test and a couple of them 
  asked "Shouldn't the clock mode also have an alarm function?" so that 
  was added. And that is pretty much it. :)