Zmud to Continents - By Riley Dragon (zMudd 6.22 tested)
"zMUD is the world's leading MUD/Telnet client for PC/Windows. This
sophisticated GUI client supports multiple character windows (multiplaying),
aliases, triggers with complex pattern matching, macro keys, variables,
speedwalking, automatic map generation, equipment database, graphical
buttons, extensive built-in and user-defined functions, ANSI color, VT100
support, word wrapping, alarms, and online help. Supports the MUD
eXtension Protocol (MXP), MUD Sound Protocol (MSP), and MUD
Client Compression Protocol (MCCP). Compatible with proxy servers
and firewalls, Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, and 2000."
- As stated at

zMud is a powerful mudding utility. When you learn how to utilize its
potential, your mudding adventures will become more dynamic. Should
you choose to use zMud I highly recommend that you have it registered.
It's a one time 25 U.S. dollars fee for a lifetime registration. Be sure that
you have read the help files that come with zMud.

- Basics -

How to implement triggers, alias', etc.:
There are a couple ways to do this.

1 - Click the correlating button on the main window, or in the actions menu.
zMud will then give a window prompt asking for the necessary information.

2 - Under the windows menu, click 'editor' and input using the format below.
#ALIAS leave {chat See everyone later;quit}
#TRIGGER (^You lost your concentration.) {%lastcom}
#VAR greetlist {"Cerberus"|"Riley"|"Atrion"}
#CLASS {channels}
#KEY KEY0 {leave}

(I recommend adding buttons, and advanced commands through the first method)

Basic Examples -
Basic Alias -
Name : leave
Value : chat See everyone later.
#ALIAS leave {chat See everyone later.;quit}

Basic Trigger -
Pattern : ^You lost your concentration.
Value : %lastcom
#TRIGGER (^You lost your concentration.) {%lastcom}
- The above trigger is handy for spell casting, should you lose your
concentration zMud will automatically input your last command.

e.g. You type - cast teleport
The mud shows - You lost your concentration
zMud sends - cast teleport

Basic Trigger -
Pattern : ^You are hungry
Value : eat food

Using the above you can easily modify each to suit your needs.
For triggers, using the ^ in front of each pattern is not required,
it specifies the beginning of a line. If ^ is not placed, the string
can be anywhere in a line. e.g. with the ^
The mud shows - You are hungry
The trigger will fire.

The mud shows -
someone chats (in common) 'you are hungry'
The trigger will not fire.

This helps to keep other people from learning what you trigger from, and controlling you.

Advanced Examples -
Name : leave
Value : chat %item( @quotes, %random( %numitems( @quotes)))

#ALIAS leave {chat %item( @quotes, %random( %numitems( @quotes)));quit}

The example above, combines variables with an alias. The variable in this
case is 'quotes' You must put the @ in front of quotes to get zMud to recognize
what you are attempting. To get this to work, we need to have the variable
quotes created. Here is a portion of my quotes variable to give you and idea
of what we are doing.

#VAR quotes {"Never be afraid to try something new..."|"Indifference is evil's body..."}

When you input the above through the command editor you need to place the
quotation marks in their respective places. When you do it through a window
prompt, do not place the quotation marks, zMud will do this automatically.
If you wish to have quotations around certain text to be spoken, I suggest
using 'text in quotes' so that you do not confuse zMud of what you are trying
to do.

Now that we have the quotes variable created, zMud randomly chooses between
the number of items in the list, this particular list being each quote.

If you are like me, you generally tell each person about the same thing each
time. So why not create a trigger to accomplish the same effect? If not a better

Pattern : (%w) advances to level
Value : #wait 2500;tell %1 %item( @level, %random( %numitems( @level)))
#TRIGGER {(%w) advances to level } {#wait 2500;tell %1 %item( @level, %random( %numitems( @level)))}

This time we integrated a random variable with a wait state. In this case,
we tell %1 (which is defined by (%w) in the pattern) whatever is in the level
variable. Notice #wait 2500 is in front of the tell. What this does is has
zMud wait 2.5 seconds before it sends the tell to the person that leveled.
This helps to create the illusion that you are not using a trigger.

Now we must create a level variable like the quotes variable, stated above.
In this variable we need to define what we wish to alternate on telling someone
when they level. Its the same basic idea of the above alias example, just
presented in a different way.

zMud has expanded!!!
In the newer versions of zMud you can create trigger states. What I mean by
this is you can have a trigger fire after another trigger. Its another way you could
set up a series of battle spells, or chat out a wedding. In the trigger prompt on the
Pattern tab, click states, and 'New' Add as many as you need. Then click on the
state you wish to edit, put in the trigger pattern, and value. What this means is,
say you cast fly on a regular basis, and you also have fly as a second trigger state,
it wont fire off the rest of the trigger states, because the first state never occurred.
Think of it as an if then condition. (If this happens, then do this, etc.)

Miscellaneous Examples -

Hate having to hit return every time you log into the mud? If so, try the following.

#TRIGGER {Logo modified by Rudder.} {#gag;#wait 500;#CR}

#CR sends a blank line to the mud, the same effect as hitting return.

Want a different way to inform people that you are afk?

#ALIAS away {#t+ AFK} #ALIAS back {#t- AFK}

In your Afk class you would put the following:
#VAR notell {"Sorry I have stepped out momentarily"|"It appears
I am not at my computer at the moment."|"Afk for the moment."}
#TRIGGER {^(* (%w)) tells you *}
{tell %1 %item( @notell, %random( %numitems( @notell)))}

*Note* If you were to input this through the command editor window,
you would put "afk" at the end of the trigger or variable to specify the
class folder you wish to have it in.

I took the afk setup one step further by adding it to a button.

The easiest way to add a button is to click 'buttons' on the zMud main window.

Kind : Toggle
State : Button Up
Caption : Afk
Value : away
title is Afk

*Note* If you wish to use colors in your title you will need to modify how
zMud is set up for command parsing. Go to the View menu, preferences,
general, special characters. Uncheck 'Database Char' (If you plan on
automating a database I do not suggest you turn this function off, rather
change the character it uses, because Continents requires the & to
specify a color.

State : Button Down
Caption : Return
Value : back

Want to manipulate how you see text? Now things can get really complicated.
zMud utilizes a few ways to do this. The most current way is using MXP.
If you have learned XML, it might be an easy transfer, if not, I hope you
have some time to practice.

In the value for a trigger, you would put something like the following.
#show ~<color blue~>say This is colored~</color~>
(The above is not tested, but it's the general idea.

Another way to accomplish this is using DOS color codes.

black --- 0
blue ---- 1
green --- 2
cyan ---- 3
red ----- 4
magenta - 5
brown --- 6
grey ---- 7
yellow -- 14
white --- 15

#TRIGGER {^(*(%w)) chats} {#color 14}

This would post all chats in white.

Another way to manipulate colors would be to check the line
color in the options menu for triggers.

The editor (found on the windows menu)-
The command editor can help to make things less time consuming.
Especially if you like to experiment with things like Dynamic
Descriptions. The following is a basic example how to do a note
using the command editor.

I suggest doing it in two parts, without the editor you type:
note to whoever
note subject whatever

In the editor:
Go to the options menu, and click parse, so that it is unchecked.
This is extremely important if you are using color codes (or
dynamic description on a house/player/ etc.) Go to the options
menu, select preferences. and put note + as the line prefix. Hit
okay. And type out your note like a normal letter. Go through
your note, get all of your spelling grammar what you want to
say checked. and hit send.

Please keep in mind, if you send way to much to the mud, you
will get the automatic boot, and have to reconnect.

Mapping/Paths -
There are a few ways to make paths.
One is to use an alias.
Lets say you hang out at The Temple Altar in Midgaard quite a bit,
and you want to go shopping. Lets make an alias called food.
#ALIAS food {south;south;south;northwest}

Another way to do the above:
zMud may also allow you to record a path. When you hit the paths
button on the main window if a record path button appears, you
will be able to hit that, walk your desired path to save, hit stop
recording, give the path a name. and click paths any time you wish
to use that path. Just remember when using paths start a path from
the same spot every time. e.g. the food alias. If you don't start out
at the altar, you wont end up at the bakery.

For the automapper, I suggest you thoroughly read Zuggsofts support
library. At the windows menu click Automapper, at the Automapper
window click the Config menu, and new configuration. Follow the
steps. Once the mapper has configured you may have to edit the
configuration to recognize exits.

Because of its command parsing, it may not put the [ in front of exits.
You will have to go on the config menu and edit the configuration,
by adding the [ in front of exit. So that it triggers off of it correctly.

More zMud help/information can be obtained at